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The Temple Knights are still with us today!

Templar brother chain

Anyone could be a Templar: your boss, your business partner, your neighbor, or maybe even your friend. 

Would you also like to be one of us – to take part in our round table?

Then you should definitely read on now – it could change your whole life.

Use this unique opportunity!
The “Old Sovereign Templar Order” shows you in the form of a secret spiritual school how you can better master your life through the application of natural spiritual powers and simple, but still little-known laws.


Would you like to learn more about what was once the most powerful knightly order in the world?

Then read the e-book now:
“The Templars are among us”.
and the e-book:
What you should know about the Templar Order

You can find more free books here.


Why should you become a Templar?Templars are among us

✠ We Templars adhere to the age-old motto: “We want to make good people better”.
✠ Our ideals are freedom, equality, fraternity, tolerance and humanity. They should be lived through practical training in everyday life.
✠ Templars are tolerant. The groundwork for this is laid in our study letters.
✠ We meet a wide variety of people with the most diverse attitudes and opinions.
✠ In the order, the transmission of values ​​happens holistically and profoundly.
✠ Our symbols clarify the ethical obligations of mankind. People should be connected to each other and be able to cross the boundaries of previous experiences and previous consciousness.
✠ The success of our work requires an open, helpful and honest cooperation.
✠ The Templar Order stands on the basis of Christian teaching and in the preservation of our western culture.

We are the RIGHT ONE! 

Every Templar club claims that. Even associations that were founded just a few months or years ago.
But be honest. There is no organization that descends completely from Jacob von Molay. Evidence presented is a transcript of a forgery. This goes as far as fraud in Australia.

Even those clubs that want their members to know that they are the only right Templars speak untruth, even if they are ignorant.
Even those who consider themselves important are new foundations whose archives allegedly ?disappeared? is, Some clubs have split off from other clubs because of disputes. Therefore, the abbreviations of these clubs are also very similar.

Read more here.

What can you expect from us?

Insignia Templar Commander? A real order of knights with a round of knights and a lodge ? You will belong to a spiritual nobility and will be proud of your knight title.
? You are independent of where you live because we are accessible via the Internet.
Common Voting Services, Conventions and Chapters.
? You save a lot of time and money because you don’t have to attend lectures held far away.
If you wish, we will give you your own family coat of arms.
? No horrendous admission fees like “Freemasons” or the “German Order”.
We make your decision easy for you. You can now become a “trial member” for one month.

Who would be surprised if the old Templar ideals gain importance more than ever in our time.

Take advantage of the rare opportunity to get to know our course letters and services better for 30 days. I guarantee you won’t regret it!

God is calling a new generation of Knights Templar today. Being a Knights Templar means living a life with meaning and standing up for what is right in our family, community and nation. It means being part of an ancient holy order that has existed for 895 years. Being a Knight Templar is not a relic of the past, it’s a way of life.

Today I am offering you the unique opportunity to submit your application for admission here and now. (just click on the text)

If you wish to remain an Order member after the one-month trial membership and aspire to the rank of Knight (with White Templar Mantle and Chest Order), you do not need to do anything else.

During the test period you will receive your first two study letters from the Knights’ Round.
So don’t hesitate and start making positive changes in your life today.

Come to us!

Our order of knights has opened its gates for a short time to welcome worthy people.

Investiture in our Order is a great honor and comes with a great responsibility. The history of our Order for nearly a thousand years is full of examples of heroic service to our Lord, and the spirit of service in fulfilling the Order’s mission is no less important today. Indeed, circumstances around the world call for a renewed dedication to our mission.

>>> Apply here for admission to the “Old Sovereign Templar Order” and find out what chivalry, brotherhood and true solidarity still means today!

(You can of course cancel your membership
at any time if you wish.)


With a knightly greeting and a handshake

Grandmaster Ralph von Reichenberg






Ralph von Reichenberg GM


PS: You have taken the first important step by visiting our website. Now we look forward to giving you a hand on the path that will help you to an all-encompassing insight into the essential things of being.

Perhaps you can read here about the effect our order has on individuals and society.


Very nice I really like the site.
Preserving the old – experiencing something new! Culture, charity and service to fellow human beings – protection of the weak and needy – morality as a protective castle in which even the weakest can find refuge – these knightly virtues combined with the obligation not to mince words in the event of grievances – this is how this order has stood for centuries enduring tradition! – It’s a good thing that there are always people who put their heart and soul into their knowledge or even enlightenment and vision!
Güntherdieter Fricke

We need men and women who fight for a good cause
Karl Glassner

Those were the days. There were knights and men. No social parasites with 800 euro mobile phones, no politicians who want to abolish Germany and distribute billions of taxpayers’ money all over the world, no Isis, no banks with bankruptcies. Just emperor, knight, god and fatherland.
Thomas Golla

Outstanding establishment by like-minded people for a better world. Highly Recommended! Robin Lochner

Doing justice to everyone is an art that no one can master. But here the visitor and reader will not only find Bible texts, just like not only wisdom of life, religious or atheistic. History and present – ​​a lot is present and clear. Thank you!
Michael Dietzsch

In my opinion, this page is for all people who think about this legendary time when the Knights Templar went into battle on horseback. You can learn a lot about this time and let your thoughts wander. Unfortunately, many people believe that this site is used for flawed politics, no, that’s all I can say, you just have to open your eyes and you’ll see what this site is showing you.
Axel Scholze

I believe in the good in people and fight for the good and am not afraid the Lord is with me.
Robert Tuci

Amazing people, understanding and incredible empathy. Furthermore. Totally inviting. Inga Boettiger

A good start for truth seekers  Peter Reinold

Top organization. I am happy to read so many new things here. Very insightful. Everything is very well put.
Arthur Urban

A very colligial and friendly community. I am very proud to be a part of the Order.
Gunda Heydrich

A great group of people in need of great help – God bless you all!
Phillip Janz

I’ve had an interest in the Templars for a long time. I ordered a few items from the web shop. Very informative and the order is shipped quickly and reliably! Bastian Wolf